Mechanical Engineering


Most of the department faculty members are pursuing their Ph.D. program in various reputed universities and a few of our faculty members are recognized research supervisors of various universities including Anna University Chennai. There are about 20 research scholars who are working under the supervision of our department faculty members. The department faculty members have published more than 100 research articles in various reputed journals and conference proceedings.

The current research areas of our research scholars are Lean Manufacturing, Metal Forming, Boron Carbide Alloys, Aluminium Alloys, Electrochemical Machining, Material Characterization, Composite Materials, Alternate Fuels, Bio-Energy, Robotics, Design of Experiments and Optimization.

Dr. R. Karthikeyan Head of the Department has published his research article in Annexure I journal (Science Direct) with impact factor 1.2. So far his publications had recived 68 citations, h-index – 5, i-index – 1. Dr. R. Karthikeyan also chairs as a Doctoral committee member for four Ph.D scholars, and has launched a Project proposal to DST to obtain grant for research activities.

Dr. S. Vijay Ananth has published three research articles in international journals of high reputation (Annexure II).


Mr. S.K. Narendranathan has published two research articles in international journals of high reputation (Annexure II).

Mr. Rajan has published one research article in Science Direct Journal.

Gnanavelbabu A, Jerald Jand NoorulHaq A, “Multi objective Scheduling of Jobs, AGVs and AS/RS in FMS using Non-Traditional Optimization Techniques”, (2008), International Journal of Manufacturing Science and Production, Vol. 9, Nos. 1-2, pp 61-80.
Gnanavelbabu A, Jerald J, NoorulHaq A and Asokan P, “Simultaneous Scheduling of jobs, AGVs and AS/RS in FMS using Artificial Immune System” (2009), International Journal of Advances in Production Engineering and Management, Vol.4, No. 3, pp 139-150.
Gnanavelbabu A, Jerald J, Narendar K and NoorulHaq A, “Simultaneous Scheduling Machines and AGVs in FMS Environment” (2009), Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technology, Vol.1, No.1, pp.43-57.
Gnanavelbabu A, Jerald J and NoorulHaq A, “Scheduling of machines and AGVs in FMS using Sheep Flock Heredity Algorithm”, (2009), International Journal of Industrial Engineering Practices. Vol.1, No.2, pp.109-118.
Gnanavelbabu A, Jerald J and NoorulHaq A, “Simultaneous scheduling of Machines and Automated Guided Vehicles in FMS using Differential Evolution”,(2010),International Journal of Production Research. Vol.48, No.16, pp. 4683 – 4699.
Gnanavelbabu A, Jerald J and NoorulHaq A, “Particle Swarm Optimization for scheduling of Machines and Automated Guided Vehicles in Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, (2010), International Journal of Materials, Manufacturing and Optimization. Vol.1, No.1, pp.01-11.
Gnanavelbabu A, Dhivya S, Jerald J and NoorulHaq A, “Scatter search for scheduling of Machines and Automated Guided Vehicles in Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, (2010), International Journal of Production Technology and Management Research. Vol.1, No.1, pp.09-18.
Gnanavelbabu A, Arunagiri P,Bhaskar GB and Muniraj R, “Theoretical Methodology for Reduction of Industrial MUDA using Lean Six Sigma”, (2012), International Journal of Production Technology and Management Research, Vol. 3, No.2,pp 117-120.
Gnanavelbabu A,Rambabu D, Bhaskar GB and Ratnakar, “Development of an Algorithm for Nesting with Common Cut Methodology Using Identity Coordinator Function”, (2012), International Journal of Production Technology and Management Research. Vol. 3, No.1, pp 1-10.
Gnanavelbabu A,Venkatesan N ,Bhaskar GB, Fredric J, Vigneshan S & Kalaiarasu R, “Mechanical Behavior of Various Volume Fractions of High Density Polyethylene Nanoclay Composite”, (2012), International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Sciences, Vol. 5, No.1,pp 1-5.
Gnanavelbabu A,Rambabu D, Lenin A, and Bhaskar G.B, “Gap analysis and optimization of process involved in product design and development by integrating enterprise resource planning & product lifecycle management”,(2013),ELSEVIER, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 64,pp 983-992.
Gnanavelbabu A and Arunagiri P, “Implementation of Lean Manufacturing System in Bogie Assembly in Railway Coach Factory”, (2013), Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 248, pp 511-515.
Gnanavelbabu A,Thirumalvalavan S, and Senthil R, “Effect of Heat Treatment on Tensile Strength, Hardness and Microstructure of AZ61A Magnesium Alloy”, (2013), International Journal of Metallurgical & Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 3(4), pp 39-48.
Gnanavelbabu A and Arunagiri P, “Review on Reduction of Delay in manufacturing process using Lean six sigma (LSS) systems”, (2013), International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp 1 – 4.
Gnanavelbabu A and Panneerdhass R,”Fatigue and creep life prediction for composites using FEA”, (2013), International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Sciences, Vol. 6, No.2, pp 171-180.
Gnanavelbabu A,Muthazhagan C, Bhaskar GB and Rajkumar K, “Influence of Graphite Reinforcement on Mechanical Properties of Aluminum-Boron Carbide Composites”, (2014), Advanced Materials Research, Vol.845, pp 398-402.
Gnanavelbabu A,Dhandapani N and Sivasankar M, “Failure Analysis of Cementless Hip Joint Prosthesis”, (2014),Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 845, pp403-407.
Gnanavelbabu A,Mugendiran V and Ramadoss R, “Tensile Behavior of Al5052 Alloy Sheets Annealed at Different Temperatures”, (2014), Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 845, pp431-435.
Gnanavelbabu A,Mugendiran V and Ramadoss R, “Tensile Behavior of Al5052 Alloy Sheets Annealed at Different Temperatures”, (2014), Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 845, pp431-435.
Gnanavelbabu A, Martin Charles M, and Rajkumar K, “Evaluation of Mechanical Property of Friction Welded EN24 Steel Joints” (2014), Applied Mechanics and Materials. (Accepted for Publication)
Gnanavelbabu A and Loganathan D, “Formability Analysis of AA6061 Aluminium Alloy at Room Temperature” (2014), Applied Mechanics and Materials. (Accepted for Publication)
Gnanavelbabu A, Sankar M, Baskaran R and Rajkumar K, “Abrasive Assisted Electro Chemical Machining of Aluminum-Boron Carbide-Graphite Hybrid Composite” (2014), Applied Mechanics and Materials. (Accepted for Publication)
Gnanavelbabu A, Panneerdhass R, Baskaran R and Rajkumar K, “Mechanical Properties of Chopped Randomly Oriented Epoxy – Luffa Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite” (2014), Applied Mechanics and Materials. (Accepted for Publication)
Gnanavel Babu A, Senthil R and Ramadoss R, “Characterization of AZ61A Magnesium Alloy at Elevated Temperature”, (2014), Applied Mechanics and Materials. (Accepted for Publication)
Gnanavelbabu A, Sankar M and R.Baskaran, “Optimization of Surface Roughness in Electro Chemical Machining” (2014), Applied Mechanics and Materials. (Accepted for Publication)
Sudhagar K, Karikalan L. and Chandrasekaran M (2013), ” Comparative Studies on vegetable oil usage in C.I Engines as an Alternative to Diesel Fuel, International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 7, N.4, pp 705 – 715.
Sudhagar K, Balasubramanian M. and Rajarajeswari G. (2013), “A study on seamless information sharing between robots in identifying the optimal path: An agent based approach”, 5th int. Nat. Conf on Advances in Communication, Networking & Computing.
Sudhagar K, Noorul Haq A. and Selvaraj T. (2009), ‘An Intelligent Genetic Fuzzy Approach to the Truck baker Upper Problem’, International Journal of System Simulation, Vol. 2, No. 2. pp. 611-616.
Sudhagar K., Noorul Haq A. and Selvaraj T. (2009), ‘Neuro-Fuzzy Based Adaptive Navigation for Truck Like Mobile Robot’, International Journal of Soft Computing, Vol. 2, No. 7, pp. 727-732.
Sudhagar K., Noorul Haq A. and Selvaraj T.(2008), ‘Navigation of Mobile Robot in an Automated Industry using ANFIS Technique’, Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol.1, No.7. pp. 19-25.
Sudhagar K., Noorul Haq A. and Selvaraj T., (2008) ‘Particle Swarm Optimization Tuned Fuzzy Control Approach to the Truck Backer Upper Problem’, International Journal of System Simulation, Vol. 3, No. 1.
Sudhagar K., Noorul Haq A. and Selvaraj T., ‘Online Path Finder Algorithm for Mobile Robot Navigation in Unmapped Region’, International Journal of System Signal Control and Engineering Application (Under review).
Sudhagar K., Noorul Haq A. and Selvaraj T., ‘Application of Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Network to Control the Self Learning System’, International Journal of System Simulation (Under review).
Vijay Ananth, S., Kalaichelvan, K. and Rajadurai, A. (2012) “Effect of Thermo Cycling Process in Al6063/SiCp Composites”, European Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-216X Vol. 88 No 3, pp.403-408.
Vijay Ananth, S., Kalaichelvan, K. and Rajadurai, A. (2012) “Optimization of Superplastic Forming of Al6063/5%SiCp Composites Using Taguchi Experimental Design”, International Review of Mechanical Engineering (I.RE.M.E.), ISSN 1970-8734, Vol. 6, No.6, pp. 1209-1213.
Vijay Ananth, S., Kalaichelvan, K. and Kumerason, M. (2012) “Effect of Temperature in Superplastic Forming in Al6063/SiCp”, Composites Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 538-541, pp. 1111-1114.
Narendranathan S.K. and Sudhagar K (2013), “Impact of Biodiesel on the performance & Emission of CI Engine”, International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS Vol:14 No:01.
Thiyagu M., Shahul Hamid Khan., Prabhakaran G.,(2005) ‘A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm For Permutation Flowshop Scheduling with regular and Non-Regular measures’, The International Journal of Applied Management and Technology
A. Siddique Ahmed Ghias, B. Vijaya Ramnath , C. Elanchezhian, M. Jaivignesh, S. Rajesh, C. Parswajinan (2014), Evaluation of mechanical properties of aluminium alloy–alumina–boron carbide metal matrix composites, Materials & Design, Volume 58, Pages 332–338
K. Suresh and A. Siddique Ahamed Ghias, (2013),” Investigation into cold upset forging of sintered Aluminium square Preforms”, International Journal of Mechanical and Manufacturing Technology , Volume 2, Issue 2 pp. 170-175.


A. Siddique Ahamed Ghias, K. Suresh, A. Sivarangar, N. Ramanan, (2013), Design and optimization of engine valve by light, Volume 2, pp 167-169.
Gnanavelbabu A, Prabhaharan P, Jerald J and NoorulHaq A, “Particle swarm optimization for scheduling of machines and AGVs in FMS”, Proceedings of International conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology, IIT Madras, Feb-2008. pp.C86.
Gnanavelbabu A,NoorulHaq A and Jerald J, ” Multi objective scheduling of jobs, AGVs and AS/RS in FMS using Sheaf Flock Heridity Algorithm”, Proceedings of International conference on Advances in Manufacturing Technology, IIT Madras, Feb-2008. pp.C87.
Gnanavelbabu A, Jerald J, Prabhaharan P and NoorulHaq A, “Scheduling Optimization of Machines and AGVs in Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, Proceedings of International conference on Digital Factory, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Aug-2008. pp. 546-553.
Gnanavelbabu A, NoorulHaq A, Jerald J, Asokan P and Narendar K, “Simultaneous scheduling of machines and AGVs by using AIS”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on manufacturing Research 08, Brunel University, West London, September-2008, pp. 749-757.
Gnanavelbabu A,NoorulHaq A and Jerald J, “Artificial Immune system based scheduling for Machines and Material Handling Systems in FMS”, Proceedings of2nd International and 23rd All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, IIT madras, Dec 2008; p.51-57.
Gnanavelbabu A, Jerald J and NoorulHaq A, “Multi objective scheduling of Machines and Material Handling Systems in FMS Environment”, Proceedings of International Conference on Supply chain Management and Information Systems, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Dec 2008. pp. 696-703.
Gnanavelbabu A, Dhivya S, and NoorulHaq A, “Scatter search for Multi Objective Scheduling Machines and AGVs in Flexible Manufacturing Systems”, Proceedings of International conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications, Anna University, Chennai, Jan 2010; pp. N29.
Gnanavelbabu A,Rambabu D, Bhaskar G.B and Ratnakar, “Development of an Algorithm for Nesting with Common Cut Methodology Using Identity Coordinate Function”, Proceedings of International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Mechanical Engineering, ICFTME 2012, Thiruvalluvar College of Engg and Tech, Vandavasi, January 28th -29th, 2012.
Gnanavelbabu A, VenkatesanN, Muruganandam N and Bhaskar G.B, “A Critical review on Nano clay related polymer composite material”, Proceedings of International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Mechanical Engineering, ICFTME 2012, Thiruvalluvar College of Engg. and Tech, Vandavasi, January 28th -29th , 2012.
Gnanavelbabu A,Rambabu D, Lenin A and Bhaskar G.B, “Design and Optimization of Material Selection through the Integration of Enterprise Planning and Product Lifecycle Management”, (2013), Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Materials and Processes, Tagore Engineering College, pp 283-287.
Gnanavelbabu A,Senthilnathan D, Bhaskar G. B and Gopinath KGS4, “Characterization of Glass Fibre – Coconut Coir– Human Hair Hybrid Composites”, (2013), Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Materials and Processes, Tagore Engineering College, May-2013, pp 404-409.
Gnanavelbabu A and Panneerdhass R, “Fatigue and Creep Life Prediction for Composite Material Using FEA”, (2013), Proceedings of International Conference on Engineering Materials and Processes, Tagore Engineering College, pp 427-436.