Mechanical Engineering


In an ever-changing and fast growing world, training and development is an indispensable function. The department strongly believes that a small thought with well organized and committed training allows students to acquire new skills, sharpen existing ones, perform better to achieve global competency.

Training Programme Schedule

IIIVehicle fundamentals / Assembling & Dismantling Two wheeler - Four wheeler Training on R & A/C (50)(External)
IVWheel alignment, balancing,tyre management (15),(External)Modelling software -Solidworks/CATIA/Invento(35) (Internal)
VVehicle Service / Climate control (15), (External) Hyper MESH - Meshing software training (35)(Internal)
VICNC Training Industrial Automation - 1 (25),(External)
VIIND Testing (Non-Destructive testing) (50)(External)CFD Software Training (Internal) (50)
VIIICompany Specific Training Program (50)(External)