Electronics and Communication Engineering

Publication Records


Faculty Publication

S.NoName of the author/sTitle of paperName Of JournalISSN numberLink to the recognition in UGC enlisted Journal / Digital Object Identifier (doi) NumberIndexing
1Mrs D MaheswariSustainable Smart Energy Systems Using Machine Learning and IoT: key Developments, Challenges, and Future Research Opportunities in the Context of Smart Grid ParadigmInternational Journal of NeuroQuantologyISSN-1303-515010.14704/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88159SCOPUS
2Mr Ohm Shankar SSustainable Smart Energy Systems Using Machine Learning and IoT: key Developments, Challenges, and Future Research Opportunities in the Context of Smart Grid ParadigmInternational Journal of NeuroQuantologyISSN-1303-515010.14704/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88159SCOPUS
3Dr.R.MuthalaguAn Approach to Deep Learning based on Discrete Wavelet Transform for the Diagnosis of EpilepsyInternational Journal of NeuroQuantologyISSN 1303-5150https://doi.org/10.14704/nq.2022.20.10.NQ55879SCOPUS
4Dr.R.MuthalaguGlaucoma Diagnosis Utilising Le-Net and Supervised Machine Learning Techniques in Retinal Fundus ImagesInternational Journal of NeuroQuantologyISSN 1303-5150https://doi.org/10.14704/nq.2022.20.8.NQ44409SCOPUS
5Dr.R.MuthalaguDetection of Diabetic Retinopathy Severity from Fundus ImagesInternational journal of medical Engineering and and informatics, Int. J. Medical Engineering and InformaticsXXYYSCOPUS
6Dr.R.MuthalaguDetection and Classification of Alzheimer using Super Resolution Algorithm and Convolution Neural NetworkInternational journal of medical Engineering and informatics, Int. J. Medical Engineering and InformaticsXXYYSCOPUS

Faculty Publication

S.NoName of the Author/sTitle of Paper/Book Chapter/BookJournal/Conference PublicationISSN numberLink to the recognition in UGC enlisted Journal / Digital Object Identifier (doi) NumberIndexing
1Dr. N.V.S. Sree Rathna lakshmiChews First Delaunay Triangulation renement Scheme-Based Positioning of RSUs for Optimal Network Coverage in VANETsInternational Journal of Communication Systems1011-1101https://doi.org/10.1002/dac.5299SCI
2Dr. N.V.S. Sree Rathna lakshmiRing signature and improved multi‐transaction mode consortium blockchain‐based private information retrieval for privacy‐preserving smart parking systemInternational Journal of Communication Systems1099-1131http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/dac.4911SCI
3Ms.N.SurekaEnhanced Primary User Emulation Attack Inference in Cognitive Radio Networks Using Machine Learning AlgorithmJournal of Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Taylor & Francis1893-1906https://doi.org/10.32604/iasc.2022.026098SCI
4Dr.Arun JosephEvent-driven enabled regression aided multi-loop control for SEC minimization in SWRO desalination considering salinity variation.ISA Transactions /Elsevier, Volume-119,Jan 20220019-0578https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isatra.2021.02.035SCI
5Dr. N.V.S. Sree Rathna lakshmiIntelligent recognition system for viewpoint variations on gait and speech using CNN-CapsNetInternational Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics1756-378Xhttps://doi.org/10.1108/IJICC-08-2021-0178Scopus
6Mrs R MaheswariAn Intelligent Medical Assistantship in Trains Using IOTInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering2321-2004DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2021.9203Google Scholar
7Mrs D MaheswariMedical Support System In-Train with IoTInternational Journal for Science and Advance Research in Technology2395-1052DOI 10.17148/2345.9/IJSART.2021.4443Google Scholar
8Mr. Mohamed Ismail KMr. Mohamed Ismail KBook Chapter-: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Multidisciplinary Applications Using AI Techniques, IGI Global Publishers1799887634DOI.10.4018/978-1-7998-8763-8.ch004Google Scholar

Faculty Publication

S.NoName of the Author/sTitle of Paper/Book Chapter/BookJournal PublicationISSN numberLink to the recognition in UGC enlisted Journal / Digital Object Identifier (doi) NumberIndexing
1Dr. N.V.S. Sree Rathna lakshmiBlockchain‐Based SDR Signature Scheme With Time‐StampRole of Edge Analytics in Sustainable Smart City Development978111-9681281http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9781119681328.ch16SCI
2Dr. N.V.S. Sree Rathna lakshmiFPGA Implementation of XOR-MUX Full Adder and Subtractor based Truncated DCT for Audio Processing ApplicationsInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology2352 - 2367http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/13535SCI
3Mrs.Sureka NInvestigation on Detection and Prevention of Primary User Emulation Attack in Cognitive Radio Networks using Extreme Machine Learining AlgorithmInternational Journal of Ambient Intelligence & Humanized Computing, springer1573-754310.1007/s12652-021-03080-56SCI
4K. Mohamed IsmailInstant Follow Up of Garbage Disposal Using Raspberry PiInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering.2320-9798DOI 10.15680/ijireeice.2021.0902028SCI
5K. Mohamed Ismail & T. RajasekarDesign And Implementation Of Real-Time Amphibious Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System For Sowing Seed Balls In The Agriculture FieldInternational Journal on Emerging Technologies0975-8364DOI.11.2567/IJET/2021.3218Scopus
6D Maheswari & Mr.S.Ohm ShankarInternet of Things Based Ambiance Air Excellence Monitoring SystemsBook Chapter of Emerging research in Engineering and management EREM 20210863-0946DOI 10.13.68/EREM.21-920202
7D MaheswariA hybrid deep learning algorithms for diabetes mellitus prediction using thermal foot imagesEuropian Journal of Molecular and clinical medicine2515-8260https://ejmcm.com/article_7392_cabb21cc31656b7cded18cce8fef75f2.pdfScopus
8Dr.Muthalagu.RSmart Diagnosis: Diagnosis of Anaemia using Smart PhoneInternational Journal of Analytical and Experimental Model Analysis0886-9367http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/8881019231267.ch09UGC
9R Maheswari Mr. M.MaharajanDeep Learning Methods Analysis And Implementation Of Human Action RecognitrionInternational Journal On Recent Researches In Science, Engineering & Technology2348-3105http://jrrset.com/2020/February/paper10.pdfUGC
10R. MaheswariAnalysing And Improving Efficiency Of Production Using Artificial IntelligenceInternational Journal On Recent Researches In Science, Engineering & Technology2348-3105http://jrrset.com/2020/January/paper4.pdfUGC
11Dr.Muthalagu.RType of Skin Disease Identification By Machine Learning Using PythonInternational Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research2455-2631https://www.ijsdr.org/papers/IJSDR2103083.pdfGoogle Scholar
12Dr.Muthalagu.R & Dr VelmuruganA web application for estimation of human health status using eye imagesInternational advanced research journal in science, Engineering and Technology2393-8021.DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.8230Google Scholar
13D MaheswariDesign & Fabrication of River Cleaning and Shrub Disposal MachineInternational Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2278-8875http://www.ijareeie.com/upload/2020/april/5_DESIGN.PDFGoogle Scholar
14D MaheswariVersatile Mitten for Deaf and DumbInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering2321-5526DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2021.9204Google Scholar
15R MaheswariRecognition And Classification Of Brinjal Using Machine Learning AlgorithmInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172Xhttp://irjges.com/Volume4Issue2/paper11.pdfGoogle Scholar
16R MaheswariIot Based Green House Monitoring SystemInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172Xhttp://irjges.com/Volume4Issue3/paper12.pdfGoogle Scholar
17K. Mohamed IsmailAutomation Identification System of Pilfered Vehicles without Navigation TrailingInternational Journal of Innovative Reaserch in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering2321-5526DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2021.9302Google Scholar
18K. Mohamed IsmailSmart Automation in Vehicles And Real Time Obstacle DetectionInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IJIREEICE)2321-5526DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2021.9208Google Scholar
19K. Mohamed IsmailVoice Controlled Smart Home AutomationInternational Journal of Innovative Reaserch in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering2321-5526DOI 10.17148/ijireeice.2021.9306Google Scholar
20Mrs.Sureka NCharging Station for E-Vehicles using solar & IOT.International Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2320 – 376510.15662/IJAREEIE.2021.1007011Google Scholar
21Mr.S.Ohm ShankarOCR Using Visually Impaired People Shopping Trolley TechnologyInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering 2321-5526DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2021.9410Google Scholar
22Mr.S.Ohm ShankarHealthcare Assistant BotInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering2321-5526DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2021.9205
Google Scholar

Faculty Conference

S.NoName of the Author/sTitle of Paper/Book Chapter/BookName of the ConferenceDate & Venue of the Conferenec
1Mrs.Sureka NDeterrence and defense against Primary User Emulation Attack Using Area correlation based Localization TechniqueProceeding by Springer at the 3rd- International Conference on Innovative Technology for Sustainable Development (eICITSD2021).27th to 29th January, 2021 at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT)-(Online) Chennai.
2Mr Arun JosephPerformance Analysis of PID Control Loops in Desalination Process using LabVIEWProceeding by IEEE, 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing, Technologies (i-PACT).22nd to 23rd June, 2019 at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) Chennai.

Student Publication

SL.NO.Name of the StudentTitlePublicationJournal
1Preevitha.S3 , Priyanka.S4 , Rajalakshmi.VA web application for estimation of human health status using eye imagesInternational advanced research journal in science, Engineering and Technology, Vol 8, issue2 , ISSN 2393-8021.1
2Ranjitha B, Ravishankar K, Rekha KSmart diagnosis: diagnosis of anaemia using smart phone The International journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, Volume XII, Issue III, March/2020. Volume XII, Issue III, March/2020, ISSN NO:0886-93671
3K.Surya , N.Yuvaraj , A.Karthikeyan , R.KarthikaDesign & Fabrication of River Cleaning and Shrub Disposal Machine1.International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering, ISSN : 2278-8875 (Print), ISSN : 2320-3765, Vol. 09, Issue No. 2, February 20201
4Aravind S, Archana K, Ashika Begum AVersatile Mitten for Deaf and DumbInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation & Control Engineering, ISSN : 2321-2004 (Print), ISSN : 2321-5526, Vol. 09, Issue No. 2, February 20211
5Dinesh Y, Jayakumar R, Lavanya RSmart Automation in Vehicles And Real Time Obstacle DetectionInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IJIREEICE), ISSN (Online) 2321-2004, ISSN (Print) 2321-5526, Vol. 09, Issue No. 3, pp. 1-6, March 2021.1
6Ansin Jose T, Dinesh R, Kumaran J3. An Automated Identification System of Pilfered Vehicles Without Navigation TrailingInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IJIREEICE), ISSN (Online) 2321-2004, ISSN (Print) 2321-5526, Vol. 09, Issue No. 3, pp. 7-11, March 2021.1
7Radhakrishnan R, Ramachandran M, Vijay Raj V G4. Voice Controlled Smart Home AutomationInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering (IJIREEICE), ISSN (Online) 2321-2004, ISSN (Print) 2321-5526, Vol. 09, Issue No. 3, pp. 35-39, March 20211
8R Chinrasu, R Deepika, R Jaganath5. Instant Follow Up of Garbage Disposal Using Raspberry PiInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCEE), e-ISSN: 2320-9801, P-ISSN: 2320-9798, Vol. 09, Issue No. 2, pp. 479-487, February 2021.1

Faculty Publication

S.NoTitle of Paper/Book Chapter/BookName of the Author/sJournal/Conference PublicationISSN numberLink to the recognition in UGC enlisted Journal / Digital Object Identifier (doi) NumberIndexing
1Mr Velmurugan VEfficient and Reliable Communication to reduce Broadcast Storm in Rural and Urban Scenario using RGHN & UGHN ProtocolInternational Journal of recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)2277-3878DOI:10.35940/ijrte.F8095.038620SCOPUS
2Mr Velmurugan VAn Efficient and Reliable Communication to Reduce Broadcast Storm in VANETs using IBM ProtocolInternational Journal of Engineering Research and Technology and (IJERT)2278-0181DOI : 10.17577/IJERTV9IS020207SCOPUS
3K. Mohamed Ismail & T. RajasekarAutomated Farming And Nutrition Deficiency Detection Using Swarm BotsInternational Journal Of Innovative Technology And Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)2278-3075DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.B7849.019320SCOPUS
4Mr T. RajasekarMachine Learning Based Nutrrition Deficiency Detection in CropsInternational Journal of Recent Technology (IJRTE)2277-3878https://10.35940/ijrte.F9322.038620SCOPUS
5NEENU P AVehicle Engine Control System Using Arduino UnoInternational Journal On Recent Researches In Science, Engineering & Technology2348-3105http://jrrset.com/2020/February/paper11.pdfUGC
6NEENU P ASmart Visitants Access And Data Collection Using OcrInternational Journal Of Research In Mechanical, Mechatronics And Automobile Engineering2454-1443http://ijrmmae.in/Volume5-Issue-2/paper19.pdfUGC
7NEENU P ASmart Hostel Management System For VisitorsInternational Journal Of Research In Mechanical, Mechatronics And Automobile Engineering2454-1443http://jrrset.com/2017/volume5issue1/paper22.pdfUGC
8NEENU P ALocust Monitoring System Based On Using IotInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172Xhttp://irjges.com/Volume4Issue1/paper18.pdfUGC
9Mrs. D. Maheswari & Mr Ohm Shakar SInspection And Detection Of Diabetic Foot Using Image Processing And Deep LearningInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172Xhttp://irjges.com/Volume4Issue4/paper2.pdfUGC
10Mr N.R.Sathis Kumar & Mr T.NirmalrajDetection Of Suspicious Activity In Atm Using Deep LearningInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172Xhttp://irjges.com/Volume5Issue3/paper1.pdfUGC
11Mr N.R.Sathis Kumar & Mr T.NirmalrajFinger print based Attendance system Using Raspberry piInternational Journal of Research in Mechanical, Mechatronics and Automobile Engineering (IJRMMAE)2454-1435http://ijrmmae.in/Volume5-Issue-1/paper7.pdfUGC
12Dr R AnithaMagnetometer and NRF based Automated Parking IoT reservation systemInternational Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2320-3765http://ijareeie.com/10.15662/IJAREEIE.2020.0903017Google Scholar
13Mrs R Maheshwari &Mrs R MalathyLaser based Safety Mechanism for Tannning IndustryInternational Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering 2320 – 3765DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2019.0808003 Google Scholar
14Mrs R Maheshwari Mulltren Segregation of Plastic WasteInternational Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2278-8875DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2020.0902014Google Scholar
15Mrs R Maheshwari & Mrs R MalathyA Survey on Invasive and Non-Invasive Root Imaging TechniqueInternational Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2278-8875DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2020.0902004Google Scholar
16Mrs R Maheshwari & Mrs R MalathyVirtual Reality Based Post Flood Relief SystemInternational Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2278-8875DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2020.0902005Google Scholar
17Mr Velmurugan VRegion grow Segmentation Approach to Detect Kidney Stone International Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2320-3765DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2020.0903060Google Scholar
18Mr Velmurugan VDetection of Leaf Disease by SVM algorithm and Irrigation control by Arduino International Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2320-3765DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2020.0902009Google Scholar
19Mr.S.Ohm ShankarStarddle Rover AI based Rocker bogie MechanismInternational Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2278-8875DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2020.0903009Google Scholar
20Mr.S.Ohm ShankarAutomated Insect Control Using Swarm RobotInternational Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2320-3765DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2020.0903059Google Scholar
21Mrs. D. MaheswariIOT BASED SAMRT BLACK BOX SYSTEMInternational Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2278-8875DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2020.0903010Google Scholar
22Mrs. M.ShanthiEffective Expressway Assitance Systems and Depassment DetectionInternational Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2278-8875DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2020.0902011Google Scholar
23Mrs. M.ShanthiCHOCK-A-BLOCK SURVEILLANCEInternational Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2278-8875DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2020.0903006Google Scholar
24Mr T.NirmalrajAutomatic Colour blend for dyeing Industry Using Android ApplicationInternational Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2320-3765DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2020.0903053Google Scholar
25Mr R PathamuthuThe Design and Implementation of Environment Monitoring Robotics System based on IoT and Raspberry Pi 3B+ ModelInternational Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2320-3765DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2020.0903008Google Scholar
26Mr S SudharsanMint Struma Spying MonsterInternational Journal of Advanced Research In Eectrical, Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering2320-3765DOI:10.15662/IJAREEIE.2020.0902031Google Scholar

Student Publication

S.NoNames  of the StudentsTitlePublicationJournal
1Jayakarthiga  , Ariharan  , HemantharajanMagnetometer and NRF based automated parking lot reservation systemInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,ISSN: 2278 – 8875,Vol:9,Issue:3,March 20201
2K. Sasthini, V. SivvaDharini, J. VaradharajanMulltren segregation of Plastic wasteInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,ISSN 2278 – 8875,Volume 9, Issue 2, February 20201
3Abinaya  , Chanthini Devi S, DivyaA Survey on invasive and non-invasive root imaging techniquesInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,ISSN 2278 – 8875,Volume 9, Issue 2, February 20201
4K.J.Achutha, J.Ambbiga , C.EniyaVirtual Reality based post flood relief systemInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,ISSN:2278-8875,Vol:9,Issue:2,February 20201
5V.Sermakani  , M. Soundara PandianIOT Based smart black box SystemInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,ISSN:2278-8875,Vol.No 9,Issue 2,February 20201
6B.Aishwarya1 , V.G.Aravindasagar , B.ElangovanEffective express way assistance system and depassment detectionInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, ISSN:2278-8875,Vol.No 9,Issue 2,February 20201
7M.Ajith Priyadharshan , P.Akshaya  , R.JayapriyaChock-a-block surveillanceInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,ISSN:2278-8875,Vol.No 9,Issue 3,March 20201
8P. Sheela Rani , G. Sowmiya , D. Tamil SelvanStraddle Rover Ai Based Rocker Boggie MechanismInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,ISSN 2278 – 8875,Volume 9, Issue 3, March 20201
9A.Sundharam] , M.Venkatraman  , K.YogeswaranAutomated Insect Control Using Swarm RobotInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,ISSN 2278 – 8875,Volume 9, Issue 3, March 20201
10N.Shiva , P.Shiva raman, M.ViswaA region grow segmentation approach to detect kidney stoneInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,ISSN:2278-8875,Volume No-9,Issue-3,March 2020.1
11Elakkiya.A, Eswari.R, Gangadevi.G, Guruvishwa.UDetection of Leaf Disease by SVM Algorithm and Irrigation control by ArduinoInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,ISSN:2278-8875,Volume No-9,Issue-2,February 2020.1
12M.Anand kumar , D.Blessy Priyanka, Dharshini.M, Harini EMint struma spying monsterInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical,Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,ISSN: 2278– 8875,Vol.No9,Issue-2February 20201
13Amirtha T, Gokulalakshmi T, Umamaheswari PMachine learning based nutrient deficiency detection in cropsInternational Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE),ISSN:2277-3878,Vol:8,Issue:6,March 2020.1
14P. Saranya, K. Sarathkumar , S. SathiyaAutomatic Color Blend for Dyeing Industry using Android Application International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering , ISSN (Online): 2278 – 8875, Vol. 9, Issue 3, March 20201
15Abdul Wahid  , Abitha  , Ajith Kumar  , Balakumar EThe design and implementation of environment monitoring robotic system based on IOT and Raspberry Pi 3B+ modelInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,ISSN: 2278 – 8875, Vol.No 9, Issue-3, March 2020.1

Faculty Publication

S.NoName of the FacultyTitlePublicationJournalConference
1Ms.R.MaheswariVehicle monitoring system for industrial applications using RFIDNational Conference on Robotics,Automat ion,Manufacturin g and Power systems at Rjalakshmi Engineering College on 2 nd March 2019-2
Drips automation for patient monitoringProceedings of ISTE sponsored one day National Conference on Computer ,Electrical and Electronics Engineering at P.S.R.Rengasamy College of Engineering for Women
2Dr.S.Chandravadha naUnique Identification and displaying count numbers of ductile ironpipesNational Conference on Robotics, Automation, Manufacturing and Power systems at Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 2 nd March 2019-1
3Mr.V.VelmuruganSmart safety for coal mine workers using NRF National Conference on Inter Disciplinary Research in Engineering held at SMK Fomra Institute of Technology on 9th
March 19
I-Beacon based child tracking & attendance maintenanceNational Conference on Inter Disciplinary Research in Engineering held at SMK Fomra Institute of Technology on 9th
4Ms.M.RenugaSalvation of the child stuck into the borewellNational Conference on Robotics,Automat ion,Manufacturin g and Power systems held at Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 2 nd March 2019-1
5Mr.S.Ohm ShankarDigital Fence for animal Intrusion and Prevention SystemProceedings of ISTE sponsored one  day National Conference on Computer ,Electrical and Electronics Engineering at P.S.R.Rengasamy College of Engineering for Women-1
6Ms.R.MalathyDetection and Segmentation of Haemoarthropath y in hemophilic patientsNational Conference on Robotics,Automat ion,Manufacturin g and Power systems held at Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 2 nd March 2019-3
Design of smart sensor for monitoring water quality in milk based industry through IoT and cloud computingNational Conference on Robotics,Automat ion,Manufacturin g and Power systems held at Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 2 nd March 2019
Survillance OrnithopterNational Conference on Robotics,Automation,Manufacturin g and Power systems held at Rajalakshmi Engineering College on 2 nd March 2019
7Mr.S.SudharsanDetection of minerals using hyperion imagery in Tamil Nadu areaNational Conference on Inter Disciplinary Research in Engineering held at SMK Fomra Institute of Technology on 9th March 2019-1
8Mr.T.RajasekarTraffic sign detection and categorization using HAAR cascade algorithmNational Conference on Robotics,Automat ion,Manufacturin g and Power systems held at Rjalakshmi Engineering College on 2 nd March 2019-1
9Mr.K.Mohammed IsmailVisual feature extraction from digital image of cancerous tissues using CNNProceedings of ISTE sponsored one day National Conference on Computer ,Electrical       and Electronics Engineering      at P.S.R.Rengasamy College of Engineering for Women-1
10Mr.N.R.Sathish KumarWireless soil communication based on magnetic inductionProceedings of ISTE sponsored one day National Conference on Computer ,Electrical and Electronics Engineering at P.S.R.Rengasamy College of Engineering for Women-2
Smart toll collection using Li-Fi TechnologyProceedings of ISTE sponsored one day National Conference on Computer ,Electrical and Electronics Engineering at P.S.R.Rengasamy College of Engineering for Women

Student Publication

S.NoName of the StudentsTitlePublicationConference
1Alamelurekha E, Aravind M, Arun kumar KVehicle monitoring system for industrial applications using RFIDNational Conference on Robotics, Automat ion, Manufacturing and Power systems at Rjalakshmi Engineering College on 2nd Marcch 20191
2M Srilekha, S Priyatarshini, Keerthanavalli R, Ganesh RDrips automation for patient monitoringProceedings of ISTE sponsored one day National Conference on Computer,Electrical and Electronics Engineering at P.S.R.Rengasamy College of Engineering for Women1
3Elavarasan M, Gokul S, Kamesh GUnique Identification and displaying count numbers of ductile ironpipesNational Conference on Robotics,Automat ion,Manufacturing and Power systems at Rjalakshmi Engineering College on 2nd March 20191
    4Gopi Krishnan, Bhuvaneshwaran, Binil RajSmart safety for coal mine Workers using NRFNational Conference on Inter Disciplinary Research in Engineering held at SMK FOMRA Institute of Technology on 9th March 20191
5A Gurusamy, A Daniel Anto, R KalaivananI-Beacon based child tracking & attendance maintenanceNational Conference on Inter Disciplinary Research in Engineering held at SMK FOMRA Institute of Technology on 9th March 20191
6Arjun Gandhi, B Deepika, R Bhuvaneshwaran R.KSalvation of the child stuck into the borewellNational Conference on Robotics, Automat ion, Manufacturing and Power systems held at Rjalakshmi Engineering College on 2nd March 20191
7M. Surendar, K Shabeer Ahamad, D SasikumarDigital Fence for animal Intrusion and Prevention SystemProceedings of ISTE sponsored one day National Conference on Computer,Electrical and Electronics Engineering at P.S.R.Rengasamy College of Engineering for Women1
    8Santhosh T, Salluvudeen H, Sathyanarayanan GDetection and Segmentation of Haemoarthropath y in hemophilic patientsNational Conference on Robotics, Automat ion, Manufacturing and Power systems held at Rjalakshmi Engineering College on 2nd March 20191
9K Angelin, R Gayathri, K KaaviyashreeDesign of smart sensor for monitoring water quality in milk based industry through IoT and cloud computingNational Conference on Robotics, Automat ion, Manufacturing and Power systems held at Rjalakshmi Engineering College on 2nd March 20191
10K Anand, Aravindhan S, Jaison Blessings, Ganapathi PSurvillance Ornith opterNational Conference on Robotics, Automat ion, Manufacturing and Power systemsheld at Rjalakshmi Engineering College on 2nd1
11Vignesh M, Vikasudhan G.MDetection of minerals using hyperion imagery in Tamil Nadu areaNational Conferenceon Inter Disciplinary Research in Engineering held at SMK Fomra Institute of Technology on 9th March 20191
12Bhavana K, Bincy Emagline J, Devi RTraffic sign detection and categorization using HAAR cascade algorithmNational Conference on Robotics, Automat ion, Manufacturing and Power systems held at Rjalakshmi Engineering College on 2nd March 20191
13Sweth K, Sinduja DVisual feature extraction from digital image of cancerous tissues using CNNProceedings of ISTE sponsored one day National Conference on Computer ,Electrical  and Electronics Engineering at P.S.R.Rengasamy College of Engineering for Women1
14Suraiya Begum H, Sylvia Angelin Roy J, Sathish Kumar N RWireless soil communication based on magnetic inductionProceedings of ISTE sponsored one day National Conference on Computer ,Electrical  and Electronics Engineering at P.S.R.Rengasamy College of Engineering for Women1
15R S Ragul, R Parthi, V C Priyalakshmi, G Elaiyarasu,Smart toll collection using Li-Fi TechnologyProceedings of ISTE sponsored one day National Conference on Computer ,Electrical  and Electronics Engineering at P.S.R.Rengasamy College of Engineering for Women1

Faculty Publication

S.NoName of the FacultyTitlePublicationsJournalsConference
1Dr.Anita TitusMulti factor Authentication for secure electronic balloting credentialsInternational Journal of Advance Research, Ideas And Innovations in Technology, ISSN: 2454-132X,Vol:4, Issue:221
Reflexive spotting of the deep vein thrombosis in the femoral nerve using RF Classifier modelIOSR Journal of Electronics abnd Communication Engineering,e-ISSN:2278-2834,Vol:13,Issue 2,Ver II (Mar-Apr.2018) , pp 82-88
Edge collapse based de-hazing algorithm for natural images National Conference on Developments in Automobile and Mechanical Engineering,23rd March 2018
2Ms.R.MaheswariMultilevel hybrid PAPR reductionOrganization of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology, Prince ShriVenkateswaraPadmavathy Engineering College,ISBN NO: 978-81-923607-3-7-2
Safety mechanism for a person using wireless monitoring and TENS shockInternational on Contemporary Engfineering and Technology, 10-11 March 2018.
3Ms.D.MaheswariNeuro-ocr based assistive system for text recognition with voice outputInternational Conference on Informatics, Robotics, Construction & Communication, Peri Institute of Technology-2
Intra body communicationin bio medical applicationNational Conference on Emerging Trends & Transformation in Engineering and Technology, ISBN NO: 978-93-5268-310-9
4Mr.M.NagrajanJoint turbo decoding for overloaded MIMO-OFDM systemsProceedings of National Conference on Advanced Communication, Computing and Power Systems 23 March 2018, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology-1
5Ms.M.ShanthiAutomatic attendance maintanence system using viola jones algorithmNational Conference on Micro Electronics, Embedded Systems and Communication , 21 – 23 March ,2018. ISBN NO : 978-93-84136-13-0.-2
Classification of skin lesion using neural networkInternational Conference on Informatics, Robotics, Construction & Communication, Peri Institute of Technology
6Mr.V.VelmuruganA Segmentation Approach of the Ultra Sound Ijmage to Detect Renal CalculiInternational Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol:9,Issue 1,pp.001-005, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.91.01 ISSN :2278-621X11
Efficient and reliable broadcast in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANET) – Probabilistic data structureNational Conference on Micro Electronics, Embedded Systems and Communication , 21 – 23 March ,2018. ISBN NO : 978-93-84136-13-0.
7Mr.S.Ohm ShankarWalk in walk out free (public services) National Conference on Emerging Trends & Transformation in Engineering and Technology, ISBN NO: 978-93-5268-310-9-1
8Ms. M.RenugaVision based driver assistant system using Machine learning and internet of thingsInternational Journal of Innovative Trends and Emerging Technologies, ISSN 23499842(Online), Vol:2, March 20181-
9Ms.M.S.Sylvia BlossomModernized safeguard system for vehiclesInternational Conference on Innovations in Engineering & Science, March 23,24 2018 at Jeppiar SRR Engineering College-2
Optimal noise reduction using 64 bit QAM in MIMO systemsNational Conference on Emerging Trends & Transformation in Engineering and Technology, ISBN NO: 978-93-5268-310-9 at Sri Lakshmi AmmalEngg College
10Mr.R.AnanthUnique approach for reducing broadcast storm problem in VANETInternational on Contemporary Engfineering and Technology, 10-11 March 2018.-2
Green Radio approach towards energy efficient radio access network for mobile communicationNational Conference on Emerging Trends & Transformation in Engineering and Technology, ISBN NO: 978-93-5268-310-9
11Ms.R.MalathyMulti band circulary polarized antenna for wireless applicationInternational Conference on Informatics, Robotics, Construction & Communication, Peri Institute of Technology-2
Transparent and flexible antennas for wearable glasses and applicationsInternational Conference on Informatics, Robotics, Construction & Communication, Peri Institute of Technology
12Ms.C.ThankaSaranyaEarly detection of eye defects due to diabetics using SVM classifierNational Conference on Micro Electronics, Embedded Systems and Communication , 21 – 23 March ,2018. ISBN NO : 978-93-84136-13-0.-2
Design of a quad band notched UWN reconfigurable patch antennaInternational Conference on Informatics, Robotics, Construction & Communication, Peri Institute of Technology
13Mr.S.MugunthanGSM based voice data through bone conductionInternational Conference on Informatics, Robotics, Construction & Communication, Peri Institute of Technology-1
14Ms.S.ParimalaMobility-aware caching in d2d networks and computation offloading in ultra-dense cellular networksInternational Conference on Informatics, Robotics, Construction & Communication, Peri Institute of Technology-1
15Mr.S.TamilVendanAir traffic controllerusing single board computerNational Conference on Emerging Trends & Transformation in Engineering and Technology, ISBN NO: 978-93-5268-310-9-1
16Mr. M. Arun KumarDesign of STT-MRAM using reversible logic fredkin gatesProceedings of National Conference on Advanced Communication, Computing and Power Systems 23 March 2018, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology-1
17Mr.J.P.Josh KumarAdiabatic technique for power efficient logic circuit with an appropriate layout designOrganization of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology, Prince ShriVenkateswaraPadmavathy Engineering College,ISBN NO: 978-81-923607-3-7-2
Design of FPGA based digitally controlled LDO for speed control applicationProceedings of National Conference on Advanced Communication, Computing and Power Systems 23 March 2018, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology
18Ms.VetriKanimozhiCompact frequency reconfigurable 4x4 slot antenna for wireless applicationInternational Conference on Informatics, Robotics, Construction & Communication, Peri Institute of Technology-2
Object Identification and Navigation for blind people using kinect sensorNational Conference on Developments in Automobile and Mechanical Engineering,23rd March 2018
19Mr.K.Mohammed .IsmailDigital textile emporiumNational Conference on Micro Electronics, Embedded Systems and Communication , 21 – 23 March ,2018. ISBN NO : 978-93-84136-13-0.-2
Open Source assistant robotNational Conference on Emerging Trends & Transformation in Engineering and Technology, ISBN NO: 978-93-5268-310-9 at Sri Lakshmi AmmalEngg College
20Mr.T.RajasekarSLAM based autonomous path planning for mobile robotNational Conference on Emerging Trends & Transformation in Engineering and Technology, ISBN NO: 978-93-5268-310-9-2
Automated farming and nutrition deficiency detection using SWARM BOTSOrganization of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology, Prince ShriVenkateswaraPadmavathy Engineering College,ISBN NO: 978-81-923607-3-7

Faculty Publication

S.NoName of the FacultyTitlePublicationsJournalsConference
1Dr.P.GnanasivamA review on systemic approach of the ultra sound image to detect renal calculi using different analysis techniquesIEEE sponsored 3 rd International Conference on Bio signals, Images and Instrumentation ,SSNCE, Chennai.ISBN-978-1-5090-4979-01-
2Ms.R.MaheswariNetwork data logging with nut runner machines using PLC in automobile industryInternational Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computing ,TEC 2017-1
3Ms.M.ShanthiHybrid Border Surveillance Combat VehicleOrganization of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology ,ISBN 978-81-904760-9-61-
4Mr.V.VelmuruganA review on systemic approach of the ultra sound image to detect renal calculi using different analysis techniquesIEEE sponsored 3 rd International Conference on Bio signals, Images and Instrumentation, SSNCE, Chennai. ISBN-978-1-5090-4979-011
Efficient and reliable broadcast energy routing protocols in VANET’sInternational Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computing, TEC 2017
5Ms.Sylvia BlossomEnergy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks Using Raptor CodesInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE),Vol:6, Issue 3, March 2017.ISSN:2278-909X2-
Dynamic Spectrum Access Using filter bank MulticarrierInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE), Vol:6, Issue 3, March 2017. ISSN:2278-909X
6Ms.R.MalathyEnergy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks Using Raptor CodesInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE), Vol:6, Issue 3, March 2017. ISSN:2278-909X4-
Dynamic Spectrum Access Using filter bank MulticarrierInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE), Vol:6, Issue 3, March 2017. ISSN:2278-909X
The analysis of men’s emotional state from heart rate using DAQ & LAB ViewThe International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES),Vol;5,Issue :6,pp-110-115,ISSN 2319-1813
The analysis of men’s emotional state based on heart rateInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical , Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering,Vol:5,Issue 6,June 2016.ISSN 2278-8875
7Ms.C.Thanka SaranyaGrain storage automation using PLCInternational Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering & Technology, Vol. 1,Issue May 2017,ISBN 978-81-904760-9-61
8Mr.M.Arun KumarA review on systemic approach of the ultra sound image to detect renal calculi using different analysis techniquesIEEE sponsored 3 rd International Conference on Bio signals, Images and Instrumentation, SSNCE, Chennai. ISBN-978-1-5090-4979-01

Faculty Publication

S.NoName of the FacultyTitlePublicationsJournalsConference
1Dr.N.V.S.Sree Rathna LakshmiOn the construction of QoS based overlay architecture for wireless local area networkSpringer Wireless Personal Communications, ISSN 0929-6212,Vol:90,No:2,DOI 10.1007/s11277-016-3225-91
2Ms.R.MaheswariEstimation of micro and macro nutrients in the soil of remote areasJournal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences ISSN: 0974-2115,pp.no 67-73,JCHPS Special Issue 10: July 2015,ISSN: 0974-21152
Automatic Monitoring of Pest TrapInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 4, April 2016,ISSN 2278-8875
3Ms.M. ShanthiPerformance Analysis of Image Enhancement Techniques for kidney ImageInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 5, May 2016,ISSN 2278-88751
4Ms.M.RenugaPerformance Analysis of Image Enhancement Techniques for kidney ImageInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 5, May 2016,ISSN 2278-88751
5Ms.R.MalathyEffect of Per-user threshold scheduling over different fading channelsARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Vol.10, No. 17, Sep 2015, ISSN 1819-6608,pp no:7427 -74311
6Ms.C.Thanka SaranyaComparison of AODV, OLSR and DSDV Routing Protocol for MANETsJournal of Recent Research in Engineering and Technology 3(1), 2016, pp1-6,ISSN:2349-22521
7Ms.M.S Sylvia BlossomComparison of AODV, OLSR and DSDV Routing Protocol for MANETsJournal of Recent Research in Engineering and Technology 3(1), 2016, pp1-6 ISSN:2349-22521

Faculty Publication

S.NoName of the FacultyTitlePublicationsJournalConference
1Dr.P.GnanasivamEffect of Noise on Wavelet Transform Based Image Fusion AlgorithmsGlobal Conference on Communication Technologies(GCCT 2015).pp.55-59-2
Advanced camera based assistive text reading for visually impairedInternational Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, JEPPIAAR – ICON PEICE‘15 ,pp.583-589
2Dr.S.Senthil KumarNanoparticle analysis for various medicinal drugs and human body saliva at macromolecular levelSpringer Online, 28 August 2014, DOI 10.1007/s13204-014-0350-111
Effect of Noise on Wavelet Transform Based Image Fusion AlgorithmsGlobal Conference on Communication Technologies(GCCT 2015)pp.55-59
3Dr.N.V.S.Sree Rathna LakshmiA Novel Steganalytic Algorithm based on III Level DWT with Energy as FeatureResearch Journal of Applied Sciences,Engineering and Technology,Vol.6,2014,pp.4100-4105,ISSN:2040-745951
Detection and Classification of Lesions in Mammograms using run length features (Annexure-II)International Journal of Applied Engg Research,Vol.10,No.34,pp.27265-27272,ISSN 0973-4562
BPSK Modulation and Demodulation in baseband subsystem for S-band transponder (Annexure-II)International Journal of Applied Engg Research,Vol.10,No.34,pp.27254-27257,ISSN 0973-4562
A wireless data assemblage system using ARM and GPRS (Annexure-II)International Journal of Applied Engg Research,Vol.10,No.17,pp.13530-13533,ISSN 0973-4562
Design of Digital Baseband Subsystem for S-Band TransponderInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Vol:4,Issue:2, pp:732-737,Feb 2015,ISSN:2278-8875
Study on Mammary Rotational Infrared Thermographic System(MAMRIT)Global Conference on Communication Technologies(GCCT 2015).pp.576-579
4Dr.S.ChandravadhanaBlock Processed error diffusion for high speed compression of still images (Annexure-II)International Journal of Applied Engg Research,Vol.10,No.8,pp.18917-18934,ISSN 0973-456212
Dead Reckoning Algorithm Using Gyro Sensor For Land Vehicle PositioningInternational Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management. JEPPIAAR – ICON PEICE‘15 ,pp.526-529
Gasohol Seepage Monitoring and Lightning Provision in Power Stations using PLCInternational Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management, JEPPIAAR – ICON PEICE’15,pp.622-626.
5Mrs.R.MaheshwariA Performance Analysis of MSA using Various Excitation TechniquesInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Vol. 3, Issue 12, December 201421
Estimation of micro and macro nutrients in the soil of remote areasInternational Conference on science, technology, engineering and management JEPPIAAR – ICON PEICE’15,pp.557-562.
Proficient way of message dissemination and consistent broadcast in VANET using AODV (Annexure-II)International Journal of Applied Engg Research,ISSN 0973-4562,Vol.10,No.17,pp.12727-12732.
6Mrs.M.ShanthiImproving the Broadcast Range For Rural Mass to Receive InformationNational Conference on recent trends in VLSI, Information and Communication,pp.49-53-1
7Mr.R.AnanthVoice Operated Intelligent ElevatorInternational Journal of Emerging technology and research,Vol.1,Issue 4,pp.104-107,ISSN:2347-59005-
A modest analysis of energy aware routing mechanisms for wireless sensor networksJEST-M,Vol.3,Issue 1,PP.1-5
An Intellectual refuge system for womenJournal of recent research in engg and tech,Vol.2,Issue 2,pp.22-27,ISSN:2349-2252
Dual mode energy aware routing mechanism for wireless sensor networks (Annexure-II)International Journal of Applied Engg Research,Vol.10,No.17,pp.13440 -13445,ISSN 0973-4562
A conceptual design of sensor network to detect the position of underwater vehiclesInternational journal of emerging technology in computer science and electronics,Vol.13,Issue.1,ISSN. 0976-1353,pp.72-78
8Mrs.R.MalathyA Performance Analysis of MSA using Various Excitation TechniquesInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Vol. 3, Issue 12,December 2014.ISSN:2278-887511
Communicating fisherman in deep sea from landNational Conference on recent trends in VLSI, Information and Communication,pp.102-104.
9Mr.V.VelmuruganEfficient and reliable broadcast energy routing protocols in VANET’sInternational Conference on science, technology, engineering and management , JEPPIAAR – ICON PEICE’15,pp.128-13311
Efficient and reliable broadcast in Vehicular Ad-hoc networks-using EIBP (Annexure-II)International Journal of Applied Engg Research,Vol.10,No.17,pp.12741-12746,ISSN 0973-4562
10Mrs.D.MaheshwariBi-Biometric security system for personal authenticationJournal of Recent Research in Engineering and Technology Vol:2,Issue:1.pp 28-32,Jan 2015,ISSN:2349-22522-
Metering, Monitoring and Troubleshooting Model of Smart Grid SystemJournal of Recent Research in Engineering and Technology Vol:2,Issue:1,pp 16-21,Jan 2015,ISSN:2349-2252
11Mrs.R.Shirley JohannahBi-Biometric security system for personal authenticationJournal of Recent Research in Engineering and Technology Vol:2,Issue:1.pp 28-32,Jan 2015,ISSN:2349-22522-
Metering, Monitoring and Troubleshooting Model of Smart Grid SystemJournal of Recent Research in Engineering and Technology Vol:2,Issue:1,pp 16-21,Jan 2015,ISSN:2349-2252
12Mr.M.YuvarajAn efficient optimized comparative analysis of genetic algorithm and practice swarm optimization fot digital watermarking in image processing (Annexure-II)International Journal of Applied Engg Research,Vol.10,No.17,pp.12747 -12756,ISSN 0973-45621-
13Mrs.R.SaranyaDesign and implementation of U-slot patch antenna for WLAN appplicationsInternational Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Vol. 4, Issue 3, Mar 2015,pp.1591-1595.ISSN.2278-88751-
14Mrs.G.ShobanaCommunication aid for people with speech impairmentJournal of Research in Engg and Tech,Vol.2,Issue.5,ISSN.2349-2252,pp.8-121-
15Ms.S.ParimalaCommunication aid for people with speech impairmentJournal of Research in Engg and Tech,Vol.2,Issue.5,ISSN.2349-2252,pp.8-121-