National Service Scheme : International Yoga Day 21 June, 2018)

National Service Scheme : International Yoga Day 21 June, 2018)

Date: June 21, 2018
National Service Scheme : International Yoga Day 21 June, 2018)

Agni College of Technology celebrated “International Yoga Day –(IYD2018)” on 21-06-2018 at the College premises. Mr. P.Rajesh, NSS Program Officer welcomed the gathering. Mr.Dhilipan, professional yoga trainer conducted the session for the participants. He demonstrated Surya Namaskar, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Balasana, Sukhasana, Trikonasana, Chaturanga, Utkatasana, Vrksasana & Navasana to the participants. Dr.R.S.Kumar, Principal, Agni College…

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