Smart India Hackathon – 2022 Hardware Edition


Smart India Hackathon 2022 – A National Level Competition is a nationwide initiative to provide students a platform to solve some of the pressing problems we face in our daily lives, and thus inculcate a culture of product innovation and a mindset of problem solving.


Event: Smart India Hackathon – 2022

Problem Statement from: Department of Science and Technology (DST)

Category: Hardware, Domain: Health Tech / MedTech / BioTech

Venue for Grand Finale: SRM Deemed University, Chennai.

Date: 25th to 29 th August, 2022

Students: 1. Sathish Kumar H, 2. Anandraj A, 3. Nandhini B, 4. Mutharasi M, 5. Dinesh Kumar D L and 6. Jabez Victor Raj J (2020 to 2024 Batch).

Problem Statement Title: Knee support for elderly for transferring body weight to shoe

Problem Description: “In India problems related to knee is increasing at a high pace. The solution is related to Knee replacement or capping. In most of the elderly people, knee replacement is not recommended and one has to manage the pain for entire life. It is desired that a mechanical arrangement may be designed to support knee movement, which can take body weight and transfer to shoe so that pain related to stress at knee due to body weight is minimized. The movement of the knee joint should not hamper.”

The design of Knee Brace which was ranked among Top Five – SIH 2022

Students appreciated by Principal – Smart India Hackathon – 2022


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