PHD - Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Adequate Number Of Rooms For Lectures, Seminars, Tutorials

The class rooms are exclusively allotted for 1st to 4th Year students for lectures

The Optional Elective classes are also engaged in the rooms available in the department.

The faculty uses instructional video CDs on the subject to teach the class.

Every lecture room is equipped with LCD projector. The Wi-Fi campus makes it easy for students to use on-line materials during presentations.

The Seminar and Smart Room is used for delivering technical Seminars and Project Review presentations.
Laboratory Facilities

A Power System Simulation Lab has been created in the department as per curriculum requirement

MATLAB and PSPICE Software are available on the server for use of students

Power System Transient study software will also be installed.
Availabilities of Labs & Student Project Lab With Technical Support

The available Labs as per the Anna University curriculum are supported by experienced technical staff with diplomas who have been designated as Lab instructors. The department and labs in the institute work at times beyond the five working days for the benefit of the students.

The space for the Project Lab is available in the vicinity of the existing EEE Labs. The department is gearing up to develop this Lab in the next semester.

It is also planned to use the Project Lab as Electrical- Electronic workshop for repairs and maintenance of meters, modules and instruments.

The manpower proposed will cater to workshop related work, and support the needs of the students during Mini- Projects, Engineering Model Making, Project Realization and Testing.