Department of Computer Science Engineering AGNIHACKATHON 2017 on 15 to 25.02.2017

Department of Computer Science Engineering AGNIHACKATHON 2017 on 15 to 25.02.2017

Date: March 13, 2017

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering hosted a CSI Sponsored “AGNIHACKATHON 2017“ from 15-02-2017 to 25-02-2017. The program was inaugurated by our Principal Dr.S.R.R.Senthilkumar.  Dr.Srinivasan Alavandar (Head of Academics) and Dr.R.K.Selvakumar, (Prof/Head of CSE,PG –ACT) decorated the stage with their presence. The main aim of this program was to  develop system design and programming…

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