Innovative Teaching Learning Methods

Name of the Department Name of the Learning Method Name of the Faculty Name of the Subject Name of the TopicDate of conduction No of Students ParticipatedInnovative Teaching Learning Report pdf/docx link
EEEVirtual LabsDr.A.Kalai MuruganControl SystemsTo Obtain Poles and Zeros and Gain of a Transfer Function20.10.202331View
EEELearning through ChatbotDr. Radhika SomakumarDigital Logic CircuitsMultiplexer Circuits15.09.202332View
ITMind MappingDr.Geerthik.SUI and UX designConvergent Thinking and Divergent Thinking 18.02.202563View
MHTGoogle Class Room (GCR)Mr. Srinivasan TKinematics and Dynamics of Machinery Gear and Gear Trains Operations 05.02.202556View
MHTGoogle Class Room (GCR)Dr. R. Pandiyarajan Computer Aided Inspection and Testing Fits Tolerances and Cordinate Measuring Machines 18.02.202526View
MHTGoogle Class Room (GCR)Dr. Arularasan RMicro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS)Silicon Based MEMS Process and Piezo Resistive Sensors17.02.202526View
MHTGoogle Class Room (GCR)Mr. Yokesvaran K Manufacturing Technology Milling , Shaper and it's Various Operations 24.02.202527View
BMEAnalogy Based TeachingDr. Sureka NFundamentals of Electronic device & CircuitsUnderstanding PN Junction diode & Zener diode12.08.202347View
BMEVideo Based LectureMr. Madhan Balaji RPrinciples of Tissue EngineeringIntroduction to Tissue Engineering15.09.202235View
MECHVirtual LabsDr.P.PurushothamanFluid Mechanics & MachineryVenturimeter14.10.2425View
AIDSBlended LearningMrs. K. DhanabhavithraAptitude Training Blood Relation12.02.2557View
AIDSGamified LearningMrs. S.R VinothaImage and Video AnalyticsDigital Image Processing10.02.2557View
ECEGoogle Class Room (GCR)Ms.Maheswari Communication SystemsPPM, TDM, FDM18.02.2561View
ECEGamified LearningDr.R.RatheeshElectron Devices and CircuitsApplications of basic Electronic Components07.10.2461View
ITProject-Based LearningMs.SindujaMobile Application LaboratoryDeveloping innovative mobile applications05.02.202563View
CMEPROBLEM-BASED LEARNINGMrs. Swathi ChannaRenewable energy resourcesSolution for renewable energy resources16/10/202424View
CMEJIGSAW METHODMrs. C.D .KarthikaFluid mechanics for Chemical EngineersFundamentals of Fluid Mechanics:25/10/202432View