The Department of Biomedical Engineering jointly signed MoU withShri SathyaSai Medical College and Research Institute(SSSMCI) 20-07-2017
Date: July 20, 2017

The Department of Biomedical Engineering jointly signed MoU withShri SathyaSai Medical College and Research Institute(SSSMCI) Chennai. The MoU was signed by ourhonourablePrincipal Dr.S.R.RSenthil Kumar and Dean,Prof P F KoturSSSMCIon 20.07.2017 at conference hall SSSMCI. The MoU was signed in presence of Dr.Balaji, Vice Principal student affairs,Dr.K Karthiga,Vice PrincipalAcademics,Dr.Raghuraman.R,Head Anaesthesia of SSSMCI, Dr.M.KayalvizhiProf &Head of the Biomedical…