Computer Science and Engineering

Publication Records


S.NoPatent Application NumberInventor NameTitle of the PatentPatent Published Date/Granted DateAssignee Name
1.      202241066871Dr.Sharmila .LAn Autopilot Vehicle Traffic Sign Recognition System based on Convolutional Neural Network and Method Thereof29.10.2022Agni College of Technology
2.      202241064104Dr.M.V.Ishwarya & Dr.Sharmila.LClassification Of Atrial-Fibrillation Disease Using Machine Learning Algorithms10.11.2022Agni College of Technology
3.      202241043179Dr.M.V.IshwaryaPrecise Diagnosis Of Liver Lesion Using Machine Learning Techniques28.7.2022Agni College of Technology


S.NoPatent Application NumberInventor NameTitle of the PatentPatent Published Date/Granted DateAssignee Name
1202241002512Dr.M.V.IshwaryaCardiovascular Disease Prediction System Using Machine Learning17.1.2022Agni College of Technology
2202241026088Dr.M.V.IshwaryaIOT Based Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Detection Treatment Of Children5.5.2022Agni College of Technology
3202241037204Dr.M.V.IshwaryaIOT Based Wearable Health Monitoring And Assisted Living Of Elderly People29.6.2022Agni College of Technology
4202141042606Dr.S. Meera, K. Rajchandar, J. RajaBuy-Score finding the right customers in the E-Commerce01.10.2021Agni college of technology


S.NoName of the authorTitle of the book/Chapter PublishedPublisherISBN Number
1Dr.Ishwarya M.VA Comprehensive review on the general concepts and applications of Artificial Intelligence-Handbook Of Trends In Engineering Technology And ResearchAGPH BOOKS978-93-94339-64-4
2Dr.Ishwarya M.VAI and ML ConceptsGood Writers PublishingASIn:BOB1CGSUB7


S.NoName of the authorTitle of the book/Chapter PublishedPublisherISBN Number
1Dr.Ishwarya M.VCompiler Design concepts and techniquesBlue Ink Publishing HouseASIn:BOB1CGTSN1
2Dr.Ishwarya M.VPython essentials for beginnersBlue Ink Publishing HouseASIn:BOB1CGRZW4
3Dr.Ishwarya M.VComputer VisionTechnical Publications978-93-332-2097-2
4Dr.Ishwarya M.VVirtual and Augumented RealityTechnical Publications978-93-332-2097-2
5Dr.Ishwarya M.VGreen ComputingARS Publications978-93-846-0892-7
Academic YearJournalsConferences


S.NoName of the FacultyTitle of the PapersJournalJournal reference number (pISSN/ eISSN/ISBN)Indexed in
1Dr. L.Sharmila“A Novel method for prediction of Skin disease through supervised classification technique”Soft Computing Journal
2Dr.S.MeeraDeep Learning mechanisms for predicting the axillary lymph node metastasis in patients with primary breast cancerBio Med Research International Journal
3Rajesh Kanna.R & UmaDevi.GClassification of Diseases in Rice Crops using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Agricultural ApplicationsNeuro Quantologydoi: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.20.NQ109166Scopus


S.NoName of the FacultyTitle of the PapersJournalJournal reference number (pISSN/ eISSN/ISBN)Indexed in
1Dr.M.V.IshwaryaSecurity protection of Information utilizing halfway speculationJournals of Physics10.1088/1742-6596/1964/4/042097Scopus Indexed
2Dr.M.V.IshwaryaVoice Assistant ZIA using HDG algorithmInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology2321-9653 Approved
3Dr.J.RajaCharacteristics sequence of Data encryption and decryption in cloud using frequency analysisInternational Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering TechnologyISSN No: 2321-9653 Vol 10, Issue VI,UGC Approved
4Mr.T.N.SudhaharStroke Prediction system using machine learning algorithmsInternational Journal of scientic development and researchISSN:2455-2631UGC Approved
5Mr.N.ManikandanBank Loan approval prediction using data science technique(ML)International Journal for research in applied science and engineering technology, Issue V,ISSN No: 2321-9653 Vol 10UGC Approved


S.NOName of the AuthorsTitle of the papersName of the conferenceNational/International
1Dr.Ishwarya M.VData privacy through scrambling and concealInternational conference on advances in manufacturing technologyInternational
2Dr.Ishwarya M.VPrivacy preservation using FOG technology using NPath algorithmInternational conference on advances in manufacturing technologyInternational


S.NoName of the FacultyTitle of the PapersJournalJournal reference number (pISSN/ eISSN/ISBN)Index factor
1.       M.Vengateshwaran,S. SriramEmerging Disease Of Covid -19 Problems analyzed various Hypothesis Using Expert SystemsJournal of XI’AN University of Architecture & TechnologyISSN:1006-7930Impact Factor 3.69
2.       Dr. SaravananPlant Disease Detection using Deep LearningInternational Journal of Innovative Research in Technology2349-6002 Indexed
3.       Mrs. RevathiIntrusion detection and Prevention of DDOS and SQL Injection based firewall attacksInternational Journal of Innovative Research in TechnologyISSN:2349-6002Scopus Indexed
4.       Dr. SaravananOnline based Aadhar notification systemInternational Journal Of Advance Research Ideas and Innovation in TechnologyISSN No:2454-132XScopus Indexed
5.       Mrs. JayanthiReal time parking space finderInternational Journal of Innovative Research in TechnologyISSN No: 2349-6002Scopus Indexed
6.       Mrs. MercyFramework of Parallel Healthcare System using SHA AlgorithmsInternational Journal of Innovative Research in TechnologyISSN No: 2348-7968Scopus Indexed
7.       Mrs. MercyFood Supply Chain using DAPPInternational Journalof Research and Analytical ReviewsISSN:2349-5138UGC Approved
8.       Dr. SaravananDriver Drowsiness Detection using Facial RecognitionInternational Journal of Innovative Research in TechnologyISSN No:2349-6002Google Scholar
9.       Mrs.P. KalaiarasiCrop Yield PredictionInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational ResearchISSN No:2277-7881Google Scholar
10.   Mrs.KalaiarasiA Survey on mouse control and character recognition using Hand Gestures.International Journal of Creative Research ThoughtsISSN No:2320-2882Google Scholar


S.NOName of the AuthorsTitle of the papersName of the conferenceNational/International
1Dr.S.SaravananPredicting the price of used cars using machine learning techniquesINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE COMPUTATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONSInternational
2Ms.Jetlin C.PBrain Tumor Analysis Using Convolutional Neural Network With MRI ImagesINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUTURE COMPUTATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONSInternational


S.NoName of the FacultyTitle of the PapersJournalJournal reference number (pISSN/ eISSN/ISBN)Index factor
1.      Dr. S. JaganGarbage Management System For Smart City Using Lora TechnologyInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056UGC
2.      Dr. S. JaganChronic Or Acute Disease With Doctor Specialist Using Data MiningInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056UGC
3.      Dr. M. JeyaselviPredicition And Detection Of Diabetes Using Machine LearningInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056UGC
4.      Dr.S.SaravananIdentificatio Of Malarial Parasites Using Deep LearningInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056UGC
5.      Dr.S.SaravananHouse Price Predictor Using Ml Through Artificial Neural NetworkInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056UGC
6.      Mr. S. GopinathanAccident Intimation System Using Image ProcessingInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056UGC
7.      Mr. A. ThiyagarajanA Modern Approach For Speech To Text And Text To Speech Conversion Application Using Machine Learning TechniquesInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056UGC
8.      Mr. Vengateshwaran. MPrevention Of Crop Disease In Plants (Groundnut) Using Iot And Machine Learning ModelsInternational Journal Of Research & Technology (Ijrt)2321-7529UGC
9.      Mrs. R.M.ShinyDetection Of Brain Tumor On Mri Using Convolutional Neural NetworkInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172XGoogle Scholar
10.  Mr. S. GopinathanVehicle Parking System Using IotInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172XGoogle Scholar
11.  Mr. S. GopinathanRestructuring Distributed Object Oriented Software Using NeuralnetworksInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172XGoogle Scholar
12.  Mrs. S. JayanthiEfficient Multicasting Support Over Manet Using EgmpInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172XGoogle Scholar
13.  Mr. C.P. JetlinDetection Of Brain Tumor On Mri Using Convolutional Neural NetworkInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172XGoogle Scholar
14.  Dr. M. JeyaselviControlling A Car Using Gesture By Accelerometer With The Help Of Arduino NanoInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056Google Scholar
15.  Dr.S.SaravananVehicle Parking System Using IotInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172XGoogle Scholar
16.  Dr.S.SaravananRestructuring Distributed Object-Oriented Software Using Neural networksInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172XGoogle Scholar
17.  Dr.S.SaravananEfficient Multicasting Support Over Manet Using EgmpInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172XGoogle Scholar
18.  Dr.S.SaravananBug Triage System For Data Reduction Using Matrix FactorizationInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172XGoogle Scholar
19.  Dr.S.SaravananArtificial Intelligence Using Cancer Prediction SystemInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172XGoogle Scholar
20.  Dr.S.SaravananFramework For Visual Information Analysis In Scientific ScholarlyInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172XGoogle Scholar
21.  Dr.S.SaravananHacker Against Network Interdiction In Unknown Priori NodesInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172XGoogle Scholar
22.  Dr.S.SaravananPartial Product Addition In Vedic Design-Ripple Carry Adder Design Fir Filter Architecture For Electro Cardiogram (Ecg) Signal De-Noising ApplicationMicroprocessors And Microsystems0141-9331Google Scholar
23.  Mrs. M.RevathiBug Triage System For Data Reduction Using Matrix FactorizationInternational Research Journal In Global Engineering And Sciences2456-172XGoogle Scholar
24.  Mr.M.Vengateshwaran“Emerging Disease Of Covid-19 Problems Analyzed Various Hypothesis Using Expert Systems”International Journal Of Research In Application & Management (Ijream)2454-9150Google Scholar
25.  Mr. Vengateshwaran. MA Modernized Iot Enabled Smart Farming Using Lora Wan TechiquesJournal Of Xian University OfArchitec& Technology1006-7930Google Scholar
26.  Mr. Vengateshwaran. MCardiac Infarction CatergorizationAndDiagonsis Using Expert System ModelsInternational Journal Of Scientific Research In Computer Science And Engineering It (Irsrceit)2456-3307Google Scholar
27.  Mr. Vengateshwaran. MPhising Website Revelation Based Multifaceted Features Using Machine Learning TechniquesInternational Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts (Ijcrt)2320-2882Google Scholar
28.  Mr. Vengateshwaran. MComputerized Vechile Foyer And Outlet Monitoring System Using Deep Learning ApproachInternational Journal For Research In Applied Science And Engineering Technology (Ijraset)2321-9653Google Scholar
29.  Mr. Vengateshwaran. MEfficient Vehicle Smoke Tracking Down System Using Raspberry -Pi In Iot AutomationInternational Journal Of Recent Technology & Engineering2277-3878Google Scholar
30.  Mr. Vengateshwaran. MDetecting Fake News Over Online Social Media Using Social Network AnalysisInternational Research Journal Of Automotive Technology2581-5865Google Scholar
31.  Mr. Yoganand.SAn User Friendly Interface For Data Preprocessing And Visualization Using Machine Learning ModelsInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056Google Scholar
32.  Mr. Yoganand.SChat Bot User Detection Using Likes And Comments In Social MediaInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056Google Scholar
33.  Mr. Ranjith Kumar. AA Survey On Suggesting Pesticides For Farmers Using Data MiningInternational Journal Of Advanced Science And Technology2207-6360Google Scholar
34.  Mrs. Jayanthi SA Survey On Biometric Voting Using Iris RecognitionInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056Google Scholar
35.  Mrs. Jetlin C PBrain Tumor Analysis Using Convolutional Neural Network WithMri ImagesInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056Google Scholar
36.  Mrs. Jetlin C PTouch - Less Heartbeat Detection And Cardiopulmonary ModelingInternational Journal Of Advance Research, Ideas And Innovations In Technology2454-132XGoogle Scholar
37.  Mrs. Kalaiarasi PA Survey On Mouse Control And Character Recognition Using Hand GestureInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056Google Scholar
38.  Mrs. Kalaiarasi PCreating A Security Alert For The Caretakers Implementing A Vast Deep LearningInternational Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts (Ijcrt)2320-2882Google Scholar
39.  Mrs. Kalaiarasi PEloquent Salvation And Productive Outsourcing Of Big DataInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056Google Scholar
40.  Mrs. Mercy WImage Steganography Using Pixel Pattern Matching In Cloud Data StorageInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056Google Scholar
41.  Mrs. Mercy WSecure Organ Donation Using Blockchain TechnologyInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056Google Scholar
42.  Mrs. Revathi MSurvey On Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction System With Feature Selection And Feature Extraction Using Machine Learning TechniqueInternational Research Journal OfEngineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056Google Scholar
43Mrs. Revathi MAndorid Based Portable Hand Sign Recognition SystemInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056Google Scholar
44Mrs. Revathi MPrediction Of Risk Factor Of The Patient With Hepatocellular Carcinoma With Machine LearningInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056Google Scholar
45Mrs. Shiny R MConversion Of Unsupervised Data To Supervised Data Using Topic ModellingInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056Google Scholar
46Mrs. Shiny R MSurvey On Analysis Of Breast Cancer PredictionInternational Research Journal Of Engineering And Technology (Irjet)2395-0056Google Scholar


S.NOName of the AuthorsTitle of the papersName of the conferenceNational/International
1Ms.Jayanthi SA Survey On Suggesting Pesticides For FarmerNational Conference on Networking, Imaging and Green ComputingNational Conference
2Dr.SaravananIOT Based Garbage Pail Monitoring SystemNational Conference on Networking, Imaging and Green ComputingNational Conference
3Jeyaselvi MControlling A Car Using Gesture By Accelerometer With The Help Of Arduino NanoNational Conference on Networking, Imaging and Green ComputingNational Conference
4A. Ranjith KumarChat Bot User Detection Using Likes and Comments on Social MediaNational Conference on Networking, Imaging and Green ComputingNational Conference
6R.M.ShinyConversion of Unsupervised Data to Supervised Data using Topic ModellingNational Conference on Networking, Imaging and Green ComputingNational Conference
7Vengateshwaran MCARDIAC INFARCTION CATEGORIZATION AND DIAGNOSIS USING EXPERT SYSTEM MODELSNational Conference on Networking, Imaging and Green ComputingNational Conference
8Dr. S. SaravananHOUSE PRICE PREDICTOR USING ML THROUGH ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKNational Conference on Networking, Imaging and Green ComputingNational Conference
9Gopinathan.SAccident Intimation System Using Image ProcessingNational Conference on Networking, Imaging and Green ComputingNational Conference
10Ms.Jetlin C.PTouch-Less Heartbeat Detection And Cardiopulmonary ModelingNational Conference on Networking, Imaging and Green ComputingNational Conference
11Mr.Yoganand.Prevention Of Crop Disease From Plant Using IoTNational Conference on Networking, Imaging and Green ComputingNational Conference
12Ms.M.JeyaselviPrediction And Detection Of Diabetes Using Machine LearningNational Conference on Networking, Imaging and Green ComputingNational Conference
13Ms.Kalaiarasi PA Survey on Mouse Control and Character Recognition using Hand GesturesNational Conference on Networking, Imaging and Green ComputingNational Conference
14Ms.Revathi MSurvey On Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction System With Feature Selection And Feature Extraction Using Machine Learning TechniqueNational Conference on Networking, Imaging and Green ComputingNational Conference