Admissions @ Agni

Online Application 2025-26

B.E / B.Tech (U.G)


B.E / B.Tech (Lateral Entry)


B.E (Lateral Entry)
Working Professionals


M.E (P.G)


Application Form Downloads

UG Application Form
for B.E / B.Tech.

PG Application Form

Hostel and Transport
Application Form file

Procedure for Admission

The candidates should fill up the application form issued along with the prospectus and submit it to the college well in time before the stipulated time for admission as per the guidelines announced by Anna University.

Prospectus and application form can be obtained from the college or from our Administrative Office. Cost of the application and prospectus is Rs.300/- which can be paid in cash or way of a Demand draft. In case it is needed through post Rs.350/ – should be sent by way of a demand draft or money order.

Demand draft should be drawn in favour of “Agni College of Technology” payable at Chennai.

Eligibility for Admission

As prescribed by Anna University.
Candidates should have obtained the minimum marks as prescribed by Anna University to be eligible for admission.
For H.Sc, academic, vocational and diploma holders (for lateral entry) the average of total marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry should be a minimum of 50% for OC, 45% for BC and 40% for MBC
In case of improvement two attempt will be considered.
For candidates belonging to SC / ST a mere pass in the qualifying examinations will be sufficient. In case of
improvement only the first improvement will be considered.
There is no age limit for admission.


The duly filled application from should be sent to the college either in person or by post along with the following.

Original Mark sheet of the qualifying examinations.
Transfer Certificate and Conduct Certificate issued by the Institution last studied.
Community certificate in case of BC / MBC / SC / ST.
Eligibility certificate from Anna University in case of students from other than Tamil Nadu.
5 Passport size Photographs.
SSLC mark sheet as proof for Date of Birth

The student and his / her parent / guardian should submit a declaration in the prescribed format at the time of
admission for the conduct, study and good behavior of the student.


The student should pay all the fees before the beginning of each semester. A grace time of 15 days will
be given for the payment of all the fees for the semester.
A fine as decided by the college from time to time will be levied on those paying the fees during the
grace period. The fee once paid will not be refunded for any reasons.
Those students failing to pay the fees even after 15 days of the grace period with fine, will not be
permitted inside the class/hostel and they will also be not allowed to appear for the examinations.


The students should not absent themselves from the class without proper reasons and prior permission from
their respective HOD.
One period of absence in the forenoon or afternoon will be treated as half a day absence.
All the students are expected to have 100% attendance. Those students who do not have a minimum of 75% attendance, excluding OD will not be allowed to appear for the University examinations as per the rules of the Anna University. Leave on medical grounds is not accepted and there is no provision for any condonation of any kind. In such a case the student will have to repeat the semester, laying waste to one full year of education.  
Coming late should be avoided as latecomers will not be allowed in the class. 
Students should not leave the college during working hours without the written permission of the HOD/Principal. 

Other Rules

Students should display their college identity cards prominently while they are inside the college or while traveling in the college bus. The security staff will not permit any student inside the college without their identity card.
All the students should wear a formal dress with shoes. Jeans, T-shirts will not be permitted.
Usage of mobile phones, pager, cameras etc is prohibited inside the campus. If found it will be confiscated.
Smoking and consumption of any intoxicants/tobacco are prohibited inside the campus.
Students should not cause any damage to any of the property, equipment, instruments, tools etc. In case of any damage, the cost of the same will be recovered from the student along with a fine. 
The students should not hold any meetings or collect any money from other students without proper permission from the principal.
Students should maintain dignity and decorum inside and outside the campus and respect the teachers and elders. 
All important information will be read in the classes and a copy displayed on the notice board. The students should regularly read the contents on the notice board and the college will not be responsible for any ignorance of information by the students. 
Students should take care of their belongings and the college will not be responsible for any loss of such belongings. 
Students should not involve themselves in any political/religious activity inside the campus.
Students should maintain self-discipline in the classrooms, canteen, playgrounds, library, and other common places inside the campus and the buses while traveling.
The Decision of the Principal is final and is binding on all the students on all academic matters.

Ragging in any form is banned. If any student is found to be indulging in any sort of ragging, harassment to the juniors or other fellow students, inside/outside the campus, bus, hostel, he/she will be immediately dismissed from the college and criminal action will be taken against them as per the rules. 


ACT College Campus

OMR, Navallur, Thallambur,

Chennai – 600 130,

Tamil Nadu, India


Reception :


Email :

Administrative Office, Alwarpet

“Agni Business Center” No.46 / 24,

KB Dasan Road, Alwarpet,

Chennai – 600018,

Tamil Nadu, India

Land Mark : S.I.E.T College Road, Next to Vidhya Hospital

Phone : 044 – 2433 3414

Administrative Office, Mylapore

“Temple Towers”, III Floor, New no 76,

North Mada Street, Mylapore,

Chennai – 600 004,

Tamil Nadu, India

Phone / Fax : 044 – 2493 3009,

2493 4390, 2464 1777

Email :